Children’s Church
All children are very welcome to our services and to Children’s Church where there are fun activities for them, which runs during term times in the 10.45am Sunday services. Children leave during the first Bible reading for the hall, or sometimes the garden, with two PVG cleared adults. When Communion is being distributed in the church, the Clergy come to give those at Children’s Church either a blessing, or as appropriate Communion. During services, children are also very welcome to use and enjoy the children’s activity and colouring-in station set up at the back of church. If you have any questions, please either speak to a Welcomer before the service, or email Becky, our Children’s and Young People’s Worker:
Children and Music
All children of school age, from age 8 to 18, are welcome to join the St Peter’s Choir. Run by Rupert Forbes and Sheila Chisholm, junior choristers rehearse together on Thursday evenings during term time 6pm-7pm. We cover sacred music from the Renaissance to the present day.

Sheila also teaches the Royal School of Church Music Voice for Life syllabus. V4L helps singers develop with vocal exercises, posture, breathing and diction; listening skills, music theory and notation. This is from 6.15pm-7pm on a Thursday evening.
Children sing alongside the adult choir at 10.45am on Sunday mornings. (Rehearsal 10am, Service 10.45am-12pm.) During this service, Junior Choristers do quiet but fun church related activities at the organ during the sermon and Intercessions. They then join the choir again at an appropriate time. They also have the option of singing at Evensong, usually on the last Sunday of the month. (Rehearsal 5.30pm, service 6.30pm-c. 7.30pm)
“St Peter’s junior choir has taught my son to read music and sight sing. It taught him the musical theory that his otherwise wonderful violin teacher didn’t cover. A first rate musical education.” Liz, mum of a chorister.
Information about Junior Choir and Voice for Life can be found here
If you’d like to know more about what is involved contact Rupert via the office, email
Students and Young Adults

All Students and Young Adults are warmly welcomed to attend our services, as well as our monthly social events. We run a range of activities, including meals, bowling, cinema trips, walks and mini golf. It’s always a lot of fun and a great place for new connections and friendships.
Please keep in mind that the minimum age for these social events is 18, for child protection and also because we sometimes go to a local pub or have alcohol at our events.
If you would like more information, please email:
Information about student and young adult activities can be found here:
Toddler Group

The St Peter’s Toddler Group for children aged 0-3 runs every Monday and Thursday during term time, 9.30am-11.30am. All parents, grandparents and carers are very welcome. We offer coffee, tea and snacks, as well as loads of fun for the children. It is £1 per family, per session.
More information can be found here:
If you have questions, please feel free to contact us at