Christmas 2023 and New Year Services

A retiring collection for ‘Mercy Ships’ will be held during all services and events over Advent & Christmas.

Sunday 3rd December Advent Sunday 9am Said Communion; 10.45am   Sung Communion; 5pm: Tree Lighting Ceremony

Thursday 7th December 11am Monthly Said Communion

Sunday 10th December Advent 2 9am Said Communion; 10.45am Sung Communion; 6.30pm Process

Sunday 17th December Advent 3 9am Said Communion; 10.45am Sung Communion; 6.30pm Carol Service 

Thursday 21st December 10am Crib Service for pre-school children.

Sunday 24th December  Advent 4 9am Said Communion; 10.45am Advent 4, Sung Communion

Sunday 24th December Christmas Eve 11.30pm  Midnight Communion with Carols

Monday 25th December    10.45am  Communion & Carols for Christmas Day

Sunday 31st December Christmas 1 9am  Said Communion; 10.45am Communion with Carols

Thursday 4th January 11am Monthly Said Communion

Sunday 7th January, 2024  Epiphany Sunday   9am Said Communion; 10.45am Sung Communion