14 Lutton Place EH8 9PE
We warmly welcome all to St Peter’s for our Harvest Festival & Communion Service.
We follow 1982 Liturgy which uses modern language, and it has music, the choir, a sermon. The congregation sing the Communion Setting and three congregational hymns.
For Harvest, we are collecting non-perishable foods and toiletries for the Newington Foodbank. Things that can be microwaved are also useful as not everyone who visits has a stove, and toothbrushes and toothpaste are also often in short supply.
The Liturgy Book, and nearer the time, the readings, Collect and Year’s Mind for the week can be found here: https://stpetersedinburgh.org/readings-collect-years-mind-for-when-not-in-church.
Communion is received as a bread wafer, intincted with wine, and gluten-free wafers are available.
Wearing a face mask/covering is optional.