During term time, the Toddler Group usually meets in the Church Hall on Mondays and Thursdays from 9.30am to 11.30am.
It is for those who are at home with children aged 0-3. All Mums, Dads, Grandparents, Carers and Nannies are very welcome to bring their little ones to these International and very friendly groups!
Snacks for children include fresh fruit and juice, with tea and fresh coffee for adults.
The cost is £1 per family for each session attended.
Information about the Toddler Group:
- The Toddler Group is currently managed by our Rector, Rev Nick Wills and Rev Ruth Green. The group is supported by volunteers from the Church, including Ann and Maggie, and Becky, our Children’s and Young People’s Worker is also sometimes there.
- Changes in our Church Privacy Policy requires us to ask parents/guardians to complete a GDPR form if they wish to attend the Toddler Group. (This is Data Protection.)
- You are responsible for your own child at all times.
We ask you to:
- Complete a simple form when you first attend Toddlers.
- Sign in when you arrive at each session so we know how many adults and children are present.
We look forward to seeing you!
For more information, please email: becky@stpetersedinburgh.org
Toddler Dates for 2025
- Monday 10th February *No toddlers (school half term holiday)
- Thursday 13th February *No toddlers (school half term holiday)
- Thursday 3rd April. Last toddlers before Easter Holidays
- Monday 7th April *No toddlers (school Easter holidays)
- Thursday 10th April *No toddlers (school Easter holidays)
- Monday 14th April *No toddlers (school Easter holidays)
- Thursday 17th April *No toddlers (school Easter holidays)
- Monday 21st April *No toddlers (public holiday)
- Thursday 24th April Toddlers resume
- Monday 5th May *No toddlers (public holiday)
- Monday 19th May *No toddlers (public holiday, Victoria Day)
- Monday 23rd June 2025 Last Monday toddler group of the academic year.
- Thursday 26th June 2025 Last Thursday toddler group of the academic year.