• Welcome!

    to St Peter's Lutton Place
  • Christian community

    on the south side of Edinburgh
  • Historic building & halls

    open to all

On Sundays

join us in worship

Spiritual Resources

All are warmly welcome to our services! They are held in our church each Sunday at 9am and 10.45am, Process (2nd Sunday) and Choral Evensong (usually on the last Sunday) once a month at 6.30pm, and a spoken Communion service on the First Thursday of the month at 11am.

Sunday Services

9am, A service of Holy Communion using a shortened Liturgy from The Scottish Prayer Book. This service uses traditional language, and usually has no music or sermon.

10.45am. A service of Holy Communion using the 1982 Liturgy. This uses modern language, with the choir and congregational singing.

Children are always very welcome to our services! Children are very welcome to use and enjoy the activity and colouring-in station set up at the back of church, in the Children’s Corner. 

During the 10.45am Sunday service, for children who would like to join in, there will be fun activities based on the day’s Bible theme in the church hall. Children and their leaders usually leave during the Gloria and return to the service in time for Communion. If you have any questions, please speak to Becky, our Children and Young People’s Worker or a Welcomer before the service. Or you can email becky@stpetersedinburgh.org at any time.

Refreshments are served after our 10.45am Sunday service. All are very welcome!

6.30pm, PROCESS; Once a month, usually on the second Sunday of the month. Our next Process Services are at 6.30pm on Sundays 14th July and 11th August, 2024. For more information about this interactive and creative service, please see https://stpetersedinburgh.org/process

6.30pm, CHORAL EVENSONG; Once a month, usually on the last Sunday of the month. There is no Evensong in July with the next one at 6.30pm on Sunday, 25th August, 2024. For more information, please see https://stpetersedinburgh.org/choral-evensong

First Thursday of the Month, 11am. A monthly service of Holy Communion using a shortened Liturgy from The Scottish Prayer Book. These services use traditional language, and usually have no music or sermon. The next monthly ‘Thursday’ Service is at 11am on 1st August, 2024.

The Liturgy Books for the Sunday and Thursday services, and the Readings, Collect & Years Mind for our forthcoming services can be found here: Readings and Liturgy Book for weekly services.

TODDLER GROUP is on holiday and resumes on Monday 19th August. It meets on Mondays and Thursdays during term-time from 9.30am to 11.30am. All Mums, Dads, Grandparents, Carers and Nannies are very welcome to bring their little ones aged 0-3 to these very friendly groups! For more information about the Toddler Group, and our Summer Special activities for children up to around 6, please see https://stpetersedinburgh.org/monday-thursday-toddler-groups

STUDENTS & YOUNG ADULTS: We extend a very warm welcome to all students and young adults, and we will hold a series of special events throughout the year for them to get to know each other better. For more information see https://stpetersedinburgh.org/students-young-adults

ALL BOOKING ENQUIRIES: Please email development@stpetersedinburgh.org.

Giving to St Peter’s: If you are able to help by contributing financially to aid the continuation of the work of God in St Peter’s, we would be enormously grateful. Please click here for more information about how to give to St Peter’s: https://stpetersedinburgh.org/giving-to-st-peters

Our latest monthly magazine, News & Views, is available here: https://stpetersedinburgh.org/news-views

Information for when attending church:

All are very welcome to our services but we ask that anyone who has a fever or is showing symptoms of a virus or Covid-19 please do not come to church until all symptoms have gone. Thank you.

Please visit our Blog, and Facebook page for updates.

The wearing of face masks / face coverings is optional in St Peter’s. We ask that everyone please respect the decisions made by each individual, especially to those who wish to continue wearing a face mask / covering and/or wish to continue being seated at a distance. 

Office: There are no set office hours with Sheila and Laura working flexibly part-time. In addition to Sunday services, the office is open Monday – Friday by appointment. You can also contact the office by email, office@stpetersedinburgh.org


Find us

Get in touch

Due to Covid-19, the office is not open as often as it usually is. You can email us, or leave a phone message, but please note that phone messages may take a couple days to be answered. Scottish Charity Number: SC017358

St Peter's Scottish Episcopal Church: Rector: Rev Nick Wills

14 Lutton Place



0131 563 8198



What's happening


Children's Church All children are very welcome to our services and to Children's Church where there are fun activities for them, which runs during term times in the 10.45am Sunday…


Are you looking for space to form a group, teach classes or have a party?  St Peter's Lutton Place welcomes community groups into its buildings at very reasonable rates.  Contact…

Choir & Music

Do you love sacred and choral music?  So do we! Choral music is integral to our worship and each week our inter-generational sing at the 10.45am Sunday service, and for…

St Peter’s garden

St Peter's is very fortunate to have a quarter acre of sunny garden in south central Edinburgh. Local residents and workers often sit in our garden to eat a picnic,…

St Peter's in the community

St Peter's is both a Christian church and a community space open to people of all faiths and none.


News & Views, July / August 2024

The July / August issue of News and Views, our monthly magazine with news and information of services, events, and what is happening…


All are very welcome to this monthly creative, interactive and hopefully spiritually uplifting evening worship experience. We usually meet in the…

Toddler Group: Mondays & Thursdays

The Toddler Group is on holiday and resumes on Monday 19th August. Summer Specials run by Becky These three sessions are…

Choral Evensong

Choral Evensong is usually held on the last Sunday of the month. The next one is at 6.30pm on Sunday, 25th…

Book Club

The friendly and fun Book Club welcomes all to discuss a wide range of titles. It usually meets on the last…

Students / Young Adults

A group of students and young adult on a trip to the skittles bowling alley.